Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Sorry Ass Liberals

Too keen to protect minority rights, too panicky to ring the dooms day bells, too stupid to overlook at the massacre of the middle class America for many years under the multiculturalism, globalism and pluralism bullshit, what were you thinking ? The pollsters poll the same sorry ass liberals, what were you expecting ? Refugee lovers, wall street slaves, shocked to see the "day after" ?

123 Million people voted, whether you like it or not, democratically, whether you go ballistic drenched in the frenzy of fear mongering or not; blue collar, less educated, hard working, honest people of America made the choice, for the hope of changing the tide that spirals them deeper in the hole, with higher inflation on food and health care and everything else. Do you think same old wall street rescuer Hillary Husseyin Obama people would come in to the rescue for them. No, not this time, they dont believe in that shit anymore. Yes, white men cant jump, but sure they can help "dumb orangutans" like Trump win.

Deplorables, fashists, however you call them, they sure cant utter the less known English dictionary words like "deplorable" but they sure know the meaning of "huge" and "great". What made him win, is not him, but the hunger for the possibility of cut-the-bullshit-n-do-something-for-me, at least the untried nature of the candidate, a faint possibility, but a possibility nevertheless. "Deplorables!" are fed up with decades long of liberal capitalism that lifted the rich higher and richer, middle and poor to the bottom as Clinton backer stock market blood suckers dictating what they can and can not. Is it a surprise for you ? Surprise not, Panic not. It is perhaps what we needed the most in our world today, instead of dancing around every policy decision, with a tiny dose of insanity and no-compromise common-sense, we need somebody who would take bold stand against topics that sorry ass liberals would never make any firm stand like Islamic radicalism, the abuse of tolerance in the name of religious freedom, the tyranny of Saudi Kingdom, and more.

Today's world is for the opportunistic to take. Arms dealers, Banking executives, oil gougers, stock manipulators, pharmaceutical giants, political Islamists, they could perhaps only get hurt by another vicious opportunist - Trump. And for that reason, no need to panic and buzz like hell just broke over your sorry asses. It is just gonna be fine, and perhaps cautiously better, "Believe me!".

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