Saturday, April 15, 2017

Axis of Evils

A bit long but trust me, there is no BS, and hope it is educational for some,  "Ikre":

1. Islamists should never be backed either as armed militia or political parties since sooner or later it backfires at you as it surely did many times in the Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iran and finally Turkey.  Preferential treatment of Saudis continued for many decades over multiple presidents; Bush was brotherly hopping along with King Abdullah hand in hand and Obama with a bouquet of flowers fetched to celebrate the King's birthday in his final days. By now, you would think the lessons should be learned about the dangers of  backing any form of Islam.  You are wrong! Trump was also quick to approve the remaining big portion of the multi billion dollar aid to SA, the biggest spenders in arms purchases before the end of his first month. Is it too far fetched to think of the possibility that these aids to Saudis redirected to smuggle arms to IS ? After all,  isn't it a very convenient way of rotating tax payer's money to the pockets of arms dealers ?

2. All nuclear heads in Iraq had been accounted for by the UN weapons inspectors during pre-invasion years. The report prepared and signed by Scott Ridder, back then an Albany NY resident, US weapons inspector, heavily criticized Rumsfeld and Cheney who despite were given the report had come out of the “intelligence" meeting declaring to the media that they had no doubts about Saddam’s WMDs. They lied. The Report was giving detailed accounts of 99 warheads all of which were either destroyed or found already unusable. They also indicated that the country is in no condition to have the technology to manufacture warheads in the next 10 year period. One million people marched in London and elsewhere in big numbers against this unjust invasion, but yet nobody cared, not even the liberal media in US cared one bit. They were blinded and carried away from the memories of 9/11 and were anxious to punish someone, and it did not matter who. After all who could have argued toppling a dictator - right ? Though, many years later they acknowledged that they did not do enough to question legitimacy of the bogus WMD claims. Even the ex-British PM, Tony Blair admitted the lack of evidence reluctantly just a couple of months ago after all the dust has settled for him in his career.

3.Iraq is a majority Sunni country. The Iraqi army was mostly sunnis and they did not shoot a bullet during the invasion. However, the Iraqi government was handed over to Shiites and that caused anger and animosity between these two sects which was already brewing and eventually left thousands of Iraqi army soldiers jobless but with their guns. When US eventually pulled back, Shiite leadership was not accepted by the Sunnis. This was the vacuum that everyone was referring to. It should not be a surprise to anyone that the revenge hungry Sunnis created the core of IS.  The ex-Iraqi generals took the leadership role in the early years of IS and proved themselves worthy by taking control of the vast territories in Iraq and parts of Syria swiftly. If we do not understand the circumstances how this evil group came to existence, there is no expectation that we can find any resolution. The resentment towards US's Iraq invasion, the bombs that killed innocents as collateral damage, snubbing Sunni Iraqis from power all made it become so easy for IS to recruit many in the name of Allah to destroy the “infidel”.

4.The most arms sales were made consistently in the last 20 years from these countries in this order US-UK-Russia-China-France-Germany with hush-hush non-existing scrutiny to whoever the sale slips were made to. It should not surprise anyone to know that the top gun purchasers were consistently from these countries in this order SA, UAE, Turkey, Qatar, SKorea, India, Singapore, AUS, Iraq, Egypt. When we see IS videos, those brand new Toyota trucks loaded with guns, I think we can make the connection, cant we ?