Friday, December 24, 2010
Yobazlar tarafindan kafasi kör bağ biçağiyla kesilerek katledilen Kemalist yedeksubay Kubilay'i anarken
Turkiye Isci Partisi baskani Tugay Sen Kubilay'i anarken, AKPyi yerdi, Bati'yi sucladi...
Gericilige, AKPcilige, yobazliga, islamciliga karsi sonuna kadar. Ama bence her basina geleni Batiya, disariya havale etmektense, manipule edilemeyecek bir iktidara sahip olabilmek icin her gun onumuzde Osmanli padisahi gibi gerinenleri yerelim, korkmus, korkutulmus, reflexlerini yitirmis halkimizi organize edip Silivri'de, kamp kuralim, zorunlu din dersine karsi onbinlerle miting duzenliyelim, ilkokullara inmis turbani protesto icin, protesto ettikleri icin tepelenen, iceri alina ogrencilerin dogal yurttaslik haklari icin avazimiz ciktigi kadar bagirip yeri gogu inletelim. Bunlar meydani cok ama cok bos buldular. Birakin Batiyi, boyle hedefi puslandirici, afaki demecler yerine, daha pratik, ve uyusmus halkimizi uyandiran tetikleyen bir parti olun, bakin oylariniz da artar, Turkiye'yi kurtarmak icin sansimiz da olur.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Can Hedo "redo" what he did two summers back again at Magic?
Hedo Turkoglu got traded again, this time from Phoenix to Orlando where he had the best time in his 11 year NBA career 2 seasons ago, that he helped the team to reach NBA finals against Lakers. Since then, it was a down-fall which was correctly predicted by some of the basketball newscasters. He never was an all-star caliber player and we cant really blame him for what he is not capable of, however, his effort was also questionable in many games at Raptors and Suns. His ghostly appearance on the court, lethargic posture and unwillingness in rebounding, driving in, etc., created somewhat justifiable angst among many fans in both cities. To this date, the only coach who could unleash his potentials in the most useful manner to the collective team success was Stan Van Gundy (SVG).
After the defeat at the finals two years ago, Magic did not want to pay $10+ Million to a skilled player that Hedo is for all the known reasons, however, they ended up re-signing him in less than two years for more of the same money that they did not want to pay earlier. Even though this seems to be a mistake on both sides, the coming months would be an ultimate decider on both sides, whether Hedo was a bust if he cant lift Magic and Magic gambled on a declining small forward or Hedo makes Magic a conference contender and Magic gets his money's worth. I guess we'll all wait and see how it will fold out.
I have been following up on him since he set foot at the New Land. I also was a fan of him and often found myself writing blogs at various sites to defend him against vicious fans, and some of their hatred spewing comments. However, my Hedo-liking diminished particularly after what I witnessed at the world basketball championship held in Turkey past summer of 2010 where he seemed to have been in closer contact with islamist-prime-minister of Turkey, Erdogan much more than he was required to be as the captain of the team. At the press conference after the tournament was over, he seemed and sounded like happy-to-get-money from the ministry for the silver they got in the competition. This was somewhat not expected and clearly not well prepared speech from his perspective. Many people in Turkey also did not like the fact that Erdogan used this occasion to his political favor to impress public that Turkish team was capable of playing the final against mighty Americans as if this had anything to do with his leadership. He acted like a monarch and promised to give each player $1 million if they get to the finals and more if they would have won. Believe it or not, Turkey that has many poor unemployed people, and certainly not among the richest nations, gave one million dollars to each team player, played or benched, plus a villa for each and US team who won the gold were only rewarded by $25K for each team player who really played.
I only wish him success in Magic uniform for the remainder of this season, but I am half-heartedly supporting him after his stint at the world championship and his uncaring attitude and performance at Phoenix. I never liked snobby Raptor's fans, anyways, so I disregard his poor showing in Raptor's uniform for whatever reason.
CHP nereye kosuyor?
CHP'nin saga yanasmadan, orduya, Kemalist dusunceye ters dusmeden secimi kazanmasini dileriz. Ancak su zamana kadar, Kilicdaroglu, yolsuzluk otesinde konusmasini bekledigimiz konularda suskun kaldi, veya yanlis konustu. Butunlugu bozucu aktualiteye karsi hic bir beyanda bulunmadi, Silivri'dekileri gormezden geliyor, Balyoz'daki adalet skandalina karsi ses seda yok, ustune ustluk, biraz hareketlenen orduya digerleri gibi sirt ceviriyor. Boyle CHP olmaz olsun! Artik lider sultasiyla hareket eden bir parti gormek istemiyoruz, artik, Kemalist, ama sonuna kadar, cesur, genc, bilgili, lider ozelliklerine sahip laik, ama sonuna kadar, yine cesur ve yine yobazlara karsi acimasiz olusumlara ihtiyaci var Turkiye'nin. Gerisi fasarya, laf salatasi. Gecin bunlari halkci kazanmis, eski politicakilar kaybetmis, bana ne, bize ne, Turkiye'ye faydasi olamayacaksa, ne fark eder. Dedigim gibi boyle CHP secim kazansa kac yazar... Hemen kalin ayar yapmak gerekiyor, ince ayar tutmaz.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Rammstein concert at MSG
Rammstein gave their second concert in US after almost 10 years at MSG in NYC. I like their tones a lot. Even though you feel like banging and shaking your head while listening to their songs, the difference from the most of alike is their adherence to the perfection and discipline to make every move right during the performance. Another plus is their awesome show with fire, I guess such is due to their east berlin roots. Watch and judge yourselves:
Link: Los Angeles Times is publishing about Turkey
Make no mistake about it; Turkey is polarized and public reflex is silenced, thanx to AKP and prime minister Erdogan's systematic fear politics. He is very dangerous as his aim is to topple the secular establishment, convert the country to Islamic monarchy, jail Kemalist citizens with no solid evidence. They have positioned scores of AKP sympathizers into judiciary, police departments, universities. The situation in Turkey is very serious and sliding towards religious conservatism day by day. Free speech and protesting civil rights against AKP government, Erdogan and his cabinet is the quickest way to be tortured and put into jail. The trial is a joke. They have jailed so many patriots, anybody who raises voice against AKP without credible evidence. The charges are manufactured and proved to have lots of logistical and material discrepancies, crucial errors. Yet they are still in the jail. Its judge is replaced in the last minute by the ministry as he is probably not from AKP's rank. In AKP's democracy, citizens are considered guilty and stay that way regardless of the lack of evidence. Yet western media still plays to their hands by praising AKP and Erdogan as democrats. Wake up !
Make no mistake about it; Turkey is polarized and public reflex is silenced, thanx to AKP and prime minister Erdogan's systematic fear politics. He is very dangerous as his aim is to topple the secular establishment, convert the country to Islamic monarchy, jail Kemalist citizens with no solid evidence. They have positioned scores of AKP sympathizers into judiciary, police departments, universities. The situation in Turkey is very serious and sliding towards religious conservatism day by day. Free speech and protesting civil rights against AKP government, Erdogan and his cabinet is the quickest way to be tortured and put into jail. The trial is a joke. They have jailed so many patriots, anybody who raises voice against AKP without credible evidence. The charges are manufactured and proved to have lots of logistical and material discrepancies, crucial errors. Yet they are still in the jail. Its judge is replaced in the last minute by the ministry as he is probably not from AKP's rank. In AKP's democracy, citizens are considered guilty and stay that way regardless of the lack of evidence. Yet western media still plays to their hands by praising AKP and Erdogan as democrats. Wake up !
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Fazla soze ne hacet? (No comment)
Su son videoya bakin: alti kaval ustu sishane.
Apartman Topuk vs Sikmabas ve kirmizi hali. Iste size badem biyikli, sikmabas kulturu - aciyorum....
Turkiye boyle kalitesiz insanlar tarafindan temsil ediliyor. Kendimize aciyorum herseyden once.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Ne yapalim?
Tasin altina elimizi koymak, iste bu konuda konusalim artik. Toplu tepki gostermemiz, goz dagi vermemiz lazim, tabii demokratik sinirlar icinde. Ne yaziktir ki Gazze senaryosu'nda olen 9 Hamas hayrani sakalli icin yuz binler toplaniyor da, Silivri'de yatan sucu sadece vatanini sevmek ama laik de olmak olan insanlarimiz icin iki yildir, bin kisi toplayamiyoruz. CHP'nin onayak olup, bunu yapmasi lazim. Hep, isler olup bittikten sonra konusuyorlar, Yargidaki secimlerin nereye gittigi gozukurken, olaylar olurken, bihaber gibi herseyi oluruna birakmak, ne tur bir muhalefet anlayisidir bilemiyorum. Badem biyiklilar, takunyali fuhrerler, simdi de Ilkokula Turbanli cocuk yollamaya basladilar. Tasin altina da girerim, kayanin altina da girerim, gelin bir gun kararlastiralim, gidip, Silivride govde gosterisi yapalim, aklima su an gelen bu.
Suclu kim?
Parti ici kavgalar, 30 yildir uygulanan siyasal parti kurabilme yasasi ve feodal delegasyon sistemi, bilgisi kazanimlari kit liderler sultasi, sark kurnazligi ile hareket eden sistematik anti-laikler, daha sayiyim mi. Illa da her basina geleni Amerika yapti, baak CIA'nin parmagi var, demek ne kadar kolay bir adresleme degil mi.
Oysa ki, uzun vadede ilimli islamin Amerika'nin yararina olamayacagi realitesi, ironik bir sekilde, Cumhuriyetciler (Republicans) tarafindan son bir kac yildir soylenmekte. 1960'lardan kalma Komunizm karsinina Yesil Islam antidotu geri tepmisken, demokrasiyi sadece bir arac olarak kullanan "ilimli" Islam modeli dogal olarak kendi cikarini en ust duzeyde gozeten Amerika icin daha ne kadar faydali olacak. Bunu Demokratlarin tum ciplakligiyla goremedigi ortada, ama bence onlar da ne yapacaklari konusunda cok kesin fikirlere sahip degiller. Zaman zaman Israil karsiti soylemler karsisinda rahatsizliklarini belli ediyorlar, ama bu kadar yuksek oy alan bir partinin Turkiye gercegini yansittigi dusunuldugunde, soyleyecek fazla bir sey kalmiyor.
Ozetle, manipule edilebilecek, kesinlikle manipule edilir, adam olup, reaksiyonumuzu belli etmemiz lazim. CHP'nin ustune buyuk gorevler dusuyor, mitingler organize edip, Silivri'de kamp kurmasi, yeri gogu inletmesi lazim. Muhasebecilik bir yere kadar, ideoloji insanlari sokaga cikarir. Milli Sura'nin aldigi kararlar, Gul'un islamcilari devlet kademelerine getirmesi, partlesen adalet mekanizmasi, YOK'un kepazelikleri, bunlar karsisinda bir iki soylem yetmez, halki sokaga dokemezsen bunlari yollarindan vazgecirmek icin bilinen tek yol kaliyor.
Eveet, eger mantiksal cikarimlar yapiyorsak iste ileride olacaklar: onumuzdeki secimden AKP daha da guclenerek cikacak, laik duzen her gecen gun erozyona ugrayacak, CHP'den zafer beklemek hayalcilik olur yani bu sekliyle. GKurmayin masanin altindan sopayi gosterme vakti o kadar gecikti ki, artik, kendileri bile bunu yapabileceklerinden supheli...
Oysa ki, uzun vadede ilimli islamin Amerika'nin yararina olamayacagi realitesi, ironik bir sekilde, Cumhuriyetciler (Republicans) tarafindan son bir kac yildir soylenmekte. 1960'lardan kalma Komunizm karsinina Yesil Islam antidotu geri tepmisken, demokrasiyi sadece bir arac olarak kullanan "ilimli" Islam modeli dogal olarak kendi cikarini en ust duzeyde gozeten Amerika icin daha ne kadar faydali olacak. Bunu Demokratlarin tum ciplakligiyla goremedigi ortada, ama bence onlar da ne yapacaklari konusunda cok kesin fikirlere sahip degiller. Zaman zaman Israil karsiti soylemler karsisinda rahatsizliklarini belli ediyorlar, ama bu kadar yuksek oy alan bir partinin Turkiye gercegini yansittigi dusunuldugunde, soyleyecek fazla bir sey kalmiyor.
Ozetle, manipule edilebilecek, kesinlikle manipule edilir, adam olup, reaksiyonumuzu belli etmemiz lazim. CHP'nin ustune buyuk gorevler dusuyor, mitingler organize edip, Silivri'de kamp kurmasi, yeri gogu inletmesi lazim. Muhasebecilik bir yere kadar, ideoloji insanlari sokaga cikarir. Milli Sura'nin aldigi kararlar, Gul'un islamcilari devlet kademelerine getirmesi, partlesen adalet mekanizmasi, YOK'un kepazelikleri, bunlar karsisinda bir iki soylem yetmez, halki sokaga dokemezsen bunlari yollarindan vazgecirmek icin bilinen tek yol kaliyor.
Eveet, eger mantiksal cikarimlar yapiyorsak iste ileride olacaklar: onumuzdeki secimden AKP daha da guclenerek cikacak, laik duzen her gecen gun erozyona ugrayacak, CHP'den zafer beklemek hayalcilik olur yani bu sekliyle. GKurmayin masanin altindan sopayi gosterme vakti o kadar gecikti ki, artik, kendileri bile bunu yapabileceklerinden supheli...
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